The Mwanza Senior Resident Magistrate Court on the 29/1/2021 fined convicted and sentenced Felix Yembekezani 45 to pay MK99, 000.00 in default to stay 88 days in jail.

Felix who owns Ulemu Bus Company between 20 to 27/1 /2021 authorized his driver to carry over 40 Malawians from South Africa who had no Covid-19 certificates.

Mwanza police arrested Felix on the 22/01/2021. On the 29/01/2021 he appeared before the said court and pleaded guilty to the charge of transporting persons without Covid-19 certificates.

In submissions the prosecutor Inspector Doviko Makawa asked the court to give the convict a stiffer punishment because what he did was endangering the lives of Malawians.

In mitigation Felix asked for leniency because he has a family to care for. His Worship Andrew M’manga in passing the sentence agreed with the prosecutor’s submissions and fined Felix to pay MK99, 000.00.

Felix Yembekezani comes from Magombo village TA Chakhumbira in Tcheu.

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