The case to do with the K5.1 billion cement saga in which Rosa Mbilizi, Norman Chisale, Peter Mukhito and Shafee Chunala were implicated is set for court tomorrow.

The four are expected to appear before the Magistrate’s Court in Lilongwe.

The hearing is to inform the accused persons that their matter will be transferred to the High Court.

Last year the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) frozen accounts of former President Peter Mutharika, former First Lady Gertrude Mutharika and Chisale in relation to the case.

The development forced the three to sue ACB on the matter but the case was dismissed.

Mutharika is entangled in the cement saga where his personal bodyguard Chisale, former Chief of Staff for State Residences, Peter Mukhito and Lilongwe based businessman Ahmed Chunara were arrested on allegations that they imported about 1.2 million bags of cement using Mutharika’s Taxpayer Identification Number (TPIN).

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