People’s Party (PP) has said it is sadden with the death of Geoffrey Kachale Banda first son of the Party’s President and former head of state Joyce Banda.

Geoffrey died of Covid-19 at Bingu National Hospital isolation center yesterday.

Confirming the death of Geoffrey in a press statement, the party’s spokesperson Ackson Kalaile Banda describe him as a selfless being.

“People’s Party is saddened to announce the passing of Mr. Geoffrey Kachale Banda, son to our leader and former President of the republic of Malawi Dr. Joyce Banda, who passed away yesterday in Lilongwe,” read the statement.

“People’s Party extends heartfelt condolences to Dr. Joyce Banda, former First Gentleman Chief Justice Richard Banda and the entire bereaved family I this dark hour,” added the statement.

Banda added that the Party will always cherish the selfless contribution Geoffrey made to the Party.

The burial ceremony of the late Banda is underway in Lilongwe at Area 18 cemetery.

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