Prophet Shepherd Bushiri of Enlighten Christian Gathering (ECG) Church has come out on the open to condemn the act of Judging one another during the time of trouble among preachers, saying its ungodly.

Bushiri said this in a statement posted on his official facebook page seen by this publication.

“When my wife and I were going through extreme persecution by some dictators and media propaganda machineries, some holy men of God could not hold it in but come out with different verdicts; convinced that it was God Himself shutting down fake churches and ridding His church of fake pastors.

“When the pandemic came and governments ruled that churches must close down, the same men of God were the first to think it was an attack from the Devil. When the police started arresting and harrassing them too, they declared it was the doing of the Evil one and that they were under attack,” wrote Bushiri.

He added: “It is completely not godly to rejoice when any church or servant of God goes through a trouble. We are one; our God is one; and the Holy Spirit is one. I believe the church is under siege and we need to stand together – to pray for the church as a whole despite our differing faith and beliefs – we are one.

“Let us step down from the judgement seat and show love towards one another!”

Bushiri and his wife Mary recently made headlines after fleeing South Africa where they were answering a number of charges relating to fraud and money laundering.

Many people questioned how the two managed to escape South Africa without a passport.

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