Capital daily industries limited (CDIL) on Sunday has entered into a contractual agreement with some of the milk banking groups so as to empower them economically.

According to Umar Aboo the managing director for capital daily industries his company is the first to start offering milk banking groups good prices and loans under contract agreement.

The company is buying milk from it’s farmers at 210 kwacha per liter as compared to other buyers who are offering milk farmers 180 kwacha per liter.

In an interview with face of malawi online publication capital daily industries limited CDIL managing director Urmar Aboo said that his company is committed in uplifting the lives of the milk banking groups in the country.

CDIL therefore at it’s newly constructed head offices and modern manufacturing factory in Chiwembe in Blantyre hosted 45 cooperative heads today.
The people represented 18 milk banking groups which are about 2626 milk farmers in total. They have. Ome together as cooperatives and signed a contractual agreement with the company.

According to Urmar Aboo the benefit of this is that the milk banking groups are safe interims of their markets shocks of pricing.

In addition the capital daily industries limited is assured that their milk banking groups are meeting their target.

All cooperatives that perform to their targets are also allowed loans to boost production and improve lives of the hard working milk farmers.
Aboo therefore said that the company recently has relocated to Blantyre in Chiwembe from Lilongwe.

In this regard he said that most of their milk banking groups were coming from the districts of Mulanje,Thyolo,Phalombe,and the lower shire hence their decision to relocate to Blantyre.

Therefore the capital daily industries limited has revealed its plans to expand it’s milk production capacity from the current 18 milk banking groups to at least 50 milk banking groups approximately giving them about 1 million liters of milk a month.

On his part Edwin Vokhiwa one of the milk farmers under Orama daily milk banking groups in Thyolo district commended the daily capital industries limited for entering into a contractual agreement with them.

Vokhiwa further said that the company is buying milk at a good price as compared to other buyers.

“This is truly a company that respects Malawian dairy farmers. We even get loans from them and this helps us to boost productivity. We are proud of capital dairy and will support them to reach their targets. I strongly request all other milk groups to sell milk to capital dairy.”

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