A local businessman from Bulawayo,Zimbabwe lost US$11,000 cash and a pistol at Hillside shopping centre when his employee was tricked into leaving the vehicle unattended.

Faceofmalawi has established that, a  62-year-old man (name not supplied) who was in the company of his female employee aged 28 lost US$11 000 and a pistol from a vehicle he had left parked while he did his shopping at Hillside shopping centre.

The Zimbabwe Republic Police confirmed the incident on their official Twitter account saying;

The man is alleged to have left his female employee in his vehicle whilst he proceeded to a shop to buy food.

However, before the man returned to the vehicle, an unknown man approached the vehicle and told the employee that she was wanted in the shop by her employer.

Unaware that she was being dubbed, she then left the vehicle unlocked and went into the shop.

The employer however became suspicious on seeing his employee in the shop asking him why he had called her.

By the time he rushed out of the supermarket to his vehicle, it was already too late as he discovered that the laptop bag containing cash (USD11 000) and a pistol had already been stolen.

Meanwhile, the police have urged members of the public against leaving or moving around with large sums of cash in their vehicles.

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