The Senior Resident Magistrate Court in Lilongwe has failed to commence hearing of a 10 Million kwacha fraud case involving Collins Magalasi former Chief Executive Officer of the Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority.

Magalasi is answering 2 charges of Fraud and Abuse of Office in relation to the role he played in authorizing MERA to release 10 million to pay for the accommodation of delegates of the former ruling DPP who had convened in Blantyre for the party’s convention in 2018.

Last Friday, the case failed to commence as Magalasi asked for more time to consult his lawyer on the abuse of office charge he is answering before taking plea.

This morning the case has failed to commence again as the Director of Public Prosecution as well as Magalasi’s lawyer are both committed with other cases at the high Court.

This has forced Senior Resident Magistrate Shyreen Chirwa to adjourn the matter to Thursday this week.

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