Zimbabwe has received 200 000 Covid-19 vaccine doses donated by the People’s Republic of China.

According to The Herald, the doses of the vaccine arrived in the country aboard an Air Zimbabwe charter flight.

According to the publication, Vice President and Health and Child Care Minister Constantino Chiwenga and the Chinese Ambassador to Zimbabwe Guo Shaochun received the doses of the vaccine at the Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport.

Zimbabwe Recieves First 200 000 Doses Of Covid 19 Vaccine From China
Zimbabwe Receives 200 000 Doses Of Covid-19 Vaccine From China. Image Credit: The Herald

Last week, Information, Publicity, and Broadcasting Services Minister Monica Mutsvangwa said in addition to 200 000 jabs from the Chinese Government, Zimbabwe had also purchased 600 000 jabs from the same country.

Meanwhile, President Emmerson Mnangagwa is expected to address the way forward regarding the lockdown that was extended by 14 days at the end of last month.

The Government extended the lockdown as it battles to contain the pandemic that has claimed 1398 lives.

Cumulative cases as of 1 January 2021 were 14 084 and deaths were 369.

As of 28 January 2021, cumulative cases reached 32 646 and deaths shot up to 1 160 thereby breaching the thousand mark.

The extension of the lockdown has seen the recovery rate rising to 85,7 percent and an average of 88 cases are reported daily according to the Ministry of Health and Child Care.

As of 13 February 2021, Zimbabwe had 35 104 confirmed cases, including 30 089 recoveries and 1 398 deaths.

There are 3 616 Covid-19 active cases and of those 101 are hospitalized at different designated centers countrywide.

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