Several Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) officers have come under fire for allegedly circulating a mock Valentine’s Day card with George Floyd’s image on it.

The card in question which has sparked a lot of controversy had George Floyd’s image and was captioned “You Take my breath away.”

According to the Dailymail, the matter only came to light after one of the LAPD officers who came across the card filed a complaint at the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office.

The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office has since launched investigations into several LAPD officers who are suspected to have created the card and shared it online.

In a statement, Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón said the mock valentine card was exceedingly disturbing, racist, and rather insensitive.

“The mock valentine underscores the highly problematic, and frankly racist perceptions that pervade the law enforcement culture regarding the communities we are sworn to protect and serve. Actions like these ultimately have ramifications for community and officer safety alike,” said Gascón in a statement.

Meanwhile, George Floyd’s family released a statement to the LAPD regarding the disturbing card. They implored the LAPD to investigate the matter swiftly and ensure that whoever created the racist Valentine card mocking George Floyd’s death is held accountable.

George Floyd died last year in May after he was arrested by Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin.

Chauvin was caught on camera kneeling on his neck as he yelled “l can’t breathe” until he was unconscious and non-responsive.

Chauvin and the other three Minneapolis Police Department officers who arrested Floyd have all been fired and are awaiting trial later this year.

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