In a bid to foster human creativity and innovation by curbing behaviors of reproducing, duplicating and selling of other people’s artistic work without permission, which is in line with section 113 of the Copyright Act of 2016.

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Ndirande police on Wednesday 17th February 2021 arrested four men for the offence of being found in possession of pirated copies of CDs without authorization and offering for sale for business purposes.

“The four suspects are (1) Yohane Makawa aged 44 of Gumulia village in Mulanje (2) Wiliiam Katunga aged 40, Mlava village in Mulanje (3) Davie Martin Inki aged 27, Likhomo village in Zomba and (4) Mike Zowa aged 35, Chiphembwe village in Nsanje.” Cosoma PRO Ettah Kamanga narrated

“The four have since been kept in custody and have been formally charged with the crime of being found in possession of pirated copies and offering them for sale and will soon appear before court.” Kamanga added.

In a related development, Cosoma Inspectors in Lilongwe had a mini operation on Copyright Infringers which saw about 50 gadgets including CPUs and Monitors being seized from 11 markets namely: Tambalale, tank and Gologota markets in area 23, as well as Nsabwe, Mitundu, Nathenje, Nayere, Nanjiri, Pondamali, Bunda and Chiseka Markets respectively.

According to the Licensing Manager, Mr. Mutty Mukhondiya, Copyright protection gives authors, artists and creators incentives in the form of recognition, and fair economic rewards increases their output and motivates them to come up with more creations which will in turn help increase access to and enhance the enjoyment of culture, knowledge and entertainment all over the world, as well as stimulating economic and social development in the country.

As per Copyright Act 2016, the offence attracts a maximum penalty of 5 million kwacha or in default 2 years imprisonment with hard labor.



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