First Lady Monica Chakwera is attending a two-day 25th Ordinary General Assembly of the Organization of African First Ladies in Development (OAFLAD).

The virtual meeting commenced yesterday and  is being chaired by Madam Sassou N’Guesso, First Lady of The Republic of the Congo and President of OAFLAD, with an appeal to  the First Ladies to go the extra mile especially now with COVID-19 pandemic that is affecting people across the globe.

The meeting is being held under the theme “Showing resilience in the face of COVID-19 by building on past gains and learning from challenges of the present”.

OAFLAD was initially known as OAFLA on its establishment in 2002. Over the years it has evolved into an advocacy organization where First Ladies of Africa seek to leverage their unique position to advocate for policies that make health services accessible and laws that boost women and youth empowerment.

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