In Zimbabwe, a traditional healer from Pelandaba suburb in Bulawayo tried without success to resurrect the lifeless body of a boy who drowned in a pool last week.

B-Metro publication caught up with Sithembinkosi Mafika (63), who is the late Paul Sibanda’s grandmother.

She said after she was informed that her grandson had drowned in Emagodini pool in Pelandaba West she informed her neighbour Sibonile Mhlanga (46) who is a traditional healer.

“We went to the pool and retrieved the body. He assured me that my grandson had not died, but he was just lying unconscious,” she said.

A close family member who requested not to be named said: “Mhlanga convinced the granny that her grandson could be resuscitated. Mhlanga and the granny took the body to a bush, Mhlanga prepared fire and burnt herbs while calling her grandson to life. But his bid to resurrect him failed.”

Seeing that his magical powers had failed, Mhlanga told the granny that the boy’s ancestors were not responding.

“He told me that the deceased’s ancestors were reluctant to resurrect the boy and that there was nothing that he could do to resuscitate him,” said the heartbroken Mafika.

After that Mafika reported the matter at Pumula Police Station. The body was taken to United Bulawayo Hospitals for post mortem.

Bulawayo deputy police spokesperson Assistant Inspector Nomalanga Msebele confirmed: “We are investigating a case where a Grade Seven pupil drowned in a four-metre deep pool in Pelandaba suburb while he was swimming.

“We would like to urge parents to always monitor their children and warn them never to play near any water body or at a water pool because they would be putting their lives at risk.”

The granny said her grandson was doing Grade Seven at Ngubo Primary School in Old Lobengula.

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