The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) Malawi Chapter has expressed shock over the death of World Food Programme (WFP ) Nigeria Reports Officer Cheulekene Mita.

Mita died of COVID-19 on Sartuday in Ghana hospital where she was receiving treatment, according to family members.

In a statement signed by MISA Malawi Charperson Teresa Ndanga, the media body said Mita dedicated her life and talent to serve and save humanity.

“MISA Malawi is deeply shocked with the untimely death of Mita, a journalist who dedicated her life and talent to serve and save humanity. She worked beyond the borders of Malawi to document and tell stories of the suffering and the voiceless for the world to see and assist.

“As a media practitioner, Mita inspired many young journalists to always aim high professionally. Her passion for the media sector will always be in our hearts,” said Ndanga in the statement.

She added: “Our condolences go to Mita’s family, the United Nations family and the media fraternity.”

Mita worked as an editor for Nation Publications Limited (NPL) between 2007 and 2013. She also worked as a reporter for the same media house.

She joined the United Nations’ WFP in Malawi where she worked as a Reports Officer between 2015 and 2019. During her time at WFP offices in Lilongwe, Mita was also deployed to work in Zambia and Iraq.

Mita also worked with the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR). She was IWPR Programme Manager in Malawi during the 2019 Tripartite Election and trained journalists to report the election fairly and ethically.

She re-joined WFP in Nigeria in 2019.

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