Information reaching this publication indicates that teachers in Neno district are on sit-in over failure by government to allocate Covid-19 risk allowances.

Teachers Union of Malawi (TUM) has been pressing for risk allowances for teachers but government has been playing hide and sick on the matter.

According to our source in Neno, under Nsambi education zone, Chilimbondo and Chawe primary schools teachers are not attending to learners while at Neno boma, only one secondary school, Chikonde secondary teachers have agreed to teach.

In Zomba, students are not learning in most primary and secondary schools.

For instance, learners are just playing around the campus at Mponda Primary school.

A different scenario is at Bwaila Primary School, where there are no learners at all.

At Zomba Urban Secondary School, students are present but there are no classes.

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