The Mkukula First Grade Magistrate Court in Dowa District has ordered four men to pay a fine of K50,000.00 each or serve a 20 months jail term for illegal buying of tobacco.

Police Prosecutor John Bottoman told the court that the four committed the offence on February 22, 2021at Nsanama Trading Centre in Lilongwe where they were buying tobacco from farmers without licence.

Appearing in court, the four pleaded guilty to the charge of illegal buying of tobacco, which contravenes section 69 (i) of the Tobacco Industry Act.

Passing sentence, First Grade Magistrate Thomson Midiasi ordered the convicts to pay a fine of k50,000.00 each or in default go to jail for 20 months.

Meanwhile, the four convicts who are Masiye Goman, Vincent Felix, Praise Nauoiya and Maxwell Shaba have paid the fines.

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