The Human Right Defenders Coalition (HRDC) has asked the Tonse Alliance government of Dr. Lazarus Chakwera to allow daughter to Prophet Shepherd Bushiri to travel to Kenya to seek medical treatment.

One of the HRDC Senior Member Reverend MacDonald Sembereka made the call on Tuesday during a media briefing held in the capital Lilongwe where the grouping tackled a number of issues rocking the country.

On Friday last week Bushiri’s daughter was blocked from flying out of the country to seek medical attention.

The daughter is said to have been accompanied by three guardians.

As this was not enough, on Sunday law enforcers stormed Bushiri’s house in the capital Lilongwe with an arrest warrant regarding his repatriation case which is scheduled to commence next month.

Lawyers for Bushiri led by Wapona Kita had to rush to court to obtain an injunction stopping the police from arresting Prophet Bushiri.

Bushiri and his wife are wanted in South Africa for fraud and money laundering charges.

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