In a tragic unfolding of events, a 56-year-old woman had to throw her baby away before being hit to death by a speeding car in Rumphi on Wednesday.

“The woman had a baby in her hands and when she saw the speeding vehicle, she threw it away,” a witness said

Police publicist for the district Henry Mnjere confirmed the incident saying the baby is alive and in good health.

According to Mnjere, the speeding vehicle, a Toyota Rava station wagon, registration number MZ 1503 was heading from Rumphi to Bolero when it hit the woman identified as Myness Zgambo and another one identified as Tamara Mgemezulu.

Zgambo who was carrying the baby died on the spot while Mgemezulu sustained minor bruises. She was rushed to Rumphi district hospital where she was treated as an outpatient.

Zgambo hailed from Chatandika village, paramount chief Chikulamayembe in the district.

The driver and a passenger survived the crash but their vehicle was set on fire by community members.

Credit: Malawi24