The First Magistrate Court in Rumphi has sentenced 68 year old man to 12 years imprisonment with hard labor for sexually assaulting his own granddaughter.

The convict, John Kumwenda, committed the offence in the month of November 2020 at Chiuzero Village near Nkombezi area.

Rumphi Police Deputy spokesperson Sergeant Tupeliwe Kabwilo said Kumwenda sneaked into the bedroom of his granddaughter after his wife went to the garden.

“He told the victim that he wanted to fulfil his lust. He touched the child and kissed her,” said Kabwilo.

The victim couldn’t keep it to herself but revealed to a certain woman who later informed the child’s grandmother (Kumwenda’s wife).

The matter was reported to Rumphi police which led to his arrest. He was charged with indecent assault under section 137(1) of the penal code.

During court proceedings, Kumwenda denied the charge leveled against him. This prompted the state to parade three witnesses who proved the allegations beyond reasonable doubt.

In his submission, State Prosecutor Sub Inspector Paul Phiri said that offences of such nature are felonious and attract stiffer penalty though the convict was first offender.

In his mitigation, Kumwenda asked for court’s leniency, saying that he has four wives who depend on him and that he is old.

Passing sentence, First Grade Magistrate Cuthbert Phiri concurred with state submissions and sentenced him 12 years imprisonment without hard labour.

The convict comes from Chiuzero Village under Traditional Authority Mwankhunikira in Rumphi district

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