Minister of Homeland Security Richard Chimwendo Banda has condemned the excessive force used by the law enforcers in enforcing COVID-19 regulations across the country.

The condemnation comes barely hours after the assault of the Malawi Defence Force (MDF) soldier identified as Marcel Pacharo Chirwa in the capital Lilongwe.

In a statement released on Friday, Banda described the conduct of the police as barbaric.

“The ministry of Homeland Security is concerned with reports that some police officers have been using excessive force in enforcing Corona Virus regulations. Reports emerged that some officers who were deployed on duty to enforce regulations have been using unnecessary force such as beating non-compliant citizens. Much as the ministry values the role police officers are playing in ensuring that all citizens are complying with the gazetted regulations, we would like to condemn some men in uniform for choosing to be brutal in enforcing those measures.

“The behavior of beating people and using any unnecessary force against non-compliant citizens is not acceptable in the era. The ministry will ensure that all officers who will be found using brutal man’s in enforcing the regulations are held accountable for their actions,” said Banda in the statement.

Banda has however urged the general public to always comply with all Covid-19 containment measures that are put in place.

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