The Senior Resident Magistrate in Blantyre has convicted and sentenced a 36- year old man to 20 years’ imprisonment with hard  for defiling a 12-year step daughter.

It is reported that the convict Chosadziwa Kudyauku committed the offence three times at different places within Machinjiri in January 2021.

According to police the convict used verbal and physical threats to defile the girl in the bush.

It is further reported that in one of the occasions the convict threatened to injure the girl with a panga knife just to achieve his evil mission.

After being fed up the victim left for Mulanje to seek refuge at a relative’s  place.

In Mulanje, the girl revealed the matter to her mother after  she was told to go back to Machinjiri to stay with the convict.

The matter was reported to South Lunzu Police which led to the convict’s arrest.

In her submission, State Prosecutor, Inspector Annes Chimenya informed the court that South Lunzu Police registers four defilement cases monthly, which is very unhealthy for proper protection of girl children.’ It is sad that most violence against children cases are committed by people charged with care and protection over children’, said the prosecutor.

The Prosecutor indicated that defilement is a felonious offence requiring stiffer punishment though the convict is a first offender.

Passing the judgement, Senior Resident Magistrate Daniels sentenced Chosadziwa Kudyauku to 20 years Imprisonment with Hard Labour.

The case was defended by Counsel Mputeni and investigated by Detective Sub Inspector Kayafa.

Commenting on the sentence, the Officer In-Charge for South Lunzu Police Supt. Alexander Ngwala commended the  court for giving stiffer punishment to a defilement offender. He indicated that the sentencing has come on international women’s day, a day on which rights of women and girls are commemorated. He has since  expressed hope that such sentences will deter would-be offenders.

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