A 37-year-old man identified as Josiah Isaac has been arrested for raping an 11-year-old girl in Dowa district.

Deputy publicist for Mponela police station sergeant Macpatson Msadala has confirmed and said the incident occurred on March 7, 2021 at Sakali village in the area of Traditional Authority Chakhaza in Dowa.

According to Msadala, the child’s mother left the house early in the morning at around 05:00 hours to look for piecework and she left the victim with other three children in the house.

At around 13:00 hours, the victim went to the suspect’s house and asked for permission to go to his maize garden and get some vegetables (pumpkin leaves) and she was granted permission.

“While she was there in the garden, the suspect grabbed the victim from the front and told her not to shout. He then undressed her, forced her down and defiled her,” said Msadala.

Msadala added: “Upon finishing the heinous act, he gave the victim K150 (One hundred and fifty Kwacha) not to report the matter to elders. Later the victim left for home and at around 18:00 hours the victim reported the matter to her mother immediately the moment she came back home.”

The mother then reported the same to the village headman who also reported the matter to Madisi Police Unit leading to the arrest of the suspect.

The child was issued with a medical form and referred to the hospital for both medical examinations and treatment.

Josia Isaac hails from Sakali village in the area of Traditional Authority Chakhaza in Dowa District.

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