I was born in a family of ten children. I was the last born. Occasionally I was always forgotten because I was considered the least and minor member of the family. I tried all means to cherish and make my father happy but all was in vain.

Being born a girl made my father to hate me because he wanted a baby boy and here I was born of the opposite sex. I tried all means to help my mother but also she threw words of discord to me saying I made her husband hate her and I should move away from her. Our family was among the polygamous family in the society. My father had other families to cater for them that probably made me to live as none existing creature.

When I had grown up to an age of going to school, my mother tried all means to take me to school because she only depended on farming and small money from her husband. Even though she took me to school my father was against it but she forcefully took me to school. I was greatly envied by my other family members because I was bright in class and I had a dream of going far. Severally when I reached primary level, I was always congratulated and went home with prizes which made my father to be stricter saying girls were nothing but tools to be sold. Despite all hateful words, I managed to survive the hardships. Sometimes I was sent to carry heavy logs but I never knew where the strength always came from for I used to manage. And other times when I would say I was tired and needed rest, I was often referred to as spoilt by civilization.

When my mother had nothing to further my education, I felt bitter and gathered confidence to go ask my father to help me continue with education but he only sent me away saying he cannot waste his money on me. A teacher offered to help me continue with education but my father refused and called a family meeting where I was really embarrassed.

“My grandfather told us no lady born to his family will ever succeed and prosper in life after my grandmother refused to obey him and left his home to go and marry another man. So never will you ever go anywhere further. Hope my point is gotten correctly. Let it be the last day you step your dirty feet in my compound begging for educational money. Stupid girl what do you know about life, you are being fooled by reading which won’t take take you anywhere,” he said .

I don’t know how and when my mother took me inside her hut and gave me all kind of beatings for embarrassing her in front of everyone. From that day she restricted me from going anywhere near my father. Everywhere I passed I became the topic to be discussed. I felt I will never attend school anymore and I took heed of my mother’s words. From that day I feared my father more and whenever I saw him I would run and hid myself but I never let his words hinder my visions because I was still determined to be educated and be successful.One of the teachers introduced me to Kiwanga doctors and I told them I have a family curse.

They told me not to worry. They casted away the curse blocking me from being prosperous in life .Right now I am a doctor in one of the hospital in our country. My family came back and begged for my forgiveness and I forgave them.

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For more information consult Kiwanga Doctors via: Call: +254 769404965 / E-mail: kiwangadoctors@gmail.com or visit the website www.kiwangadoctors.com

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