ZAMBIA – A 21-year-old man in Zambia has died by suicide after losing his mother’s mobile phone.

Eastern Province police commissioner Geza Lungu stated that Isaac Njobvu committed suicide yesterday.

“Sinda Police Station received a report of Suicide on Reported at on 13.03.2021 at 09:50hrs by M/Mekelani Banda aged 62 of V/Wachi C/Nyanje D/Sinda on behalf of his grandson M/,Isaac Njobvu aged 21 of V/Kakonje C/Nyanje D/Sinda that he was found dead in his house after committing suicide by hanging using a fibre which he tied around his neck,” Mr Lungu stated.

He stated that the deceased was disturbed when his mother confronted him after he lost her phone.

“Brief factsof the matter are that, on 10/3/21 M/Isaac Njobvu who is now the deceased lost the mobile phone belonging to his mother F /Nyangu Phiri aged 39 also of the same address. When confronted, the deceased became so disturbed to the extent of taking away his life. His remains were found by the mother namely F/Nyangu Phiri hanging in the house,” Mr Lungu stated.

He stated that police visited the scene visited and the body was inspected and no injuries were observed adding that no foul play suspected.