President Dr Lazarus Chakwera on Wednesday fulfilled the Constitutional obligation to appear before the National Assembly and respond to questions from legislators.

In his responses, Dr Chakwera denounced some bad contracts the previous administration entered into which did not benefit the country but a few people who were involved with drafting and executing the contracts.

The President said the Tonse Alliance will strategically fulfil its campaign promises in due course. He told Parliament that his administration is consulting to find the best approaches to fulfilling some of the promises so that they fit with the prevailing economic conditions.

The Malawi leader says as evidence that the promises haven’t been shelved, he said some of them are already being implemented.

“The minimum wage has been raised to K50,000 from K35,000, the tax-free bracket increased to K100,000 from K45,000. Talk of affordable inputs where farmers have managed to buy a bag of fertiliser at K4,995” exemplified Dr Chakwera.

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