Jesus to People Ministries (JPM) founder ‘The Watchman of God’ Prophet Adams Malikebu will on March 27, 2021 hold an ‘all night prayers’ at Manyowe Primary School Ground in the city of Blantyre.

The prayers will be spiced up by live performances from son to late Grace Chinga, Israel, Mau K, Princes Yasin Jenela, the Blessed You and many more.

Speaking in an interview with faceofmalawi reporter Malikebu urged Malawians to come in large numbers, saying the sick people will be healed and people’s destiny will be restored on the day.

“The night will be all about prayers without ceasing as Jesus commanded his disciples that pray even if its just for an hour, knowing that in prayer there is power.

“Jesus reduced the time to an hour because he knew that his disciples were failing so for us we will dedicate the whole night to prayers,” said Malikebu.

Prophet Malikebu also hinted that all COVID-19 measures will be followed on the day.

Prophet Adams Malikebu came to light in 2012 after successfully prophesizing about the death of President Professor Bingu wa Mutharika.

He also prophesized about the May 20, 2014 tripartite elections and he openly warned President Dr. Joyce Banda that she will fail miserably.

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