A 21-year-old man has been sentenced to five years in jail for breaking into two houses in Rumphi.

The convict has been identified as Christopher Chirambo.

State Prosecutor Sub Inspector Andrew Singini told the court that Chirambo broke into the house of Mr Mweso on March, 09, 2021 around 10:00 AM where he stole cash amounting to K8, 000.

Chirambo habituated into such kind of theft as witnessed by another resident whose house also got broken into and cash amounting to K30, 000 was stolen on March 12,2021.

The resident who works as headmistress got informed by her neighbours that Chirambo broke into her house when she was at work.

Having checked, the headmistress found that the said money was missing. Immediately, she and neighbours followed the thief and found him at one of the drinking joints squandering the money.

Upon being quizzed, Chirambo admitted to stealing the money and returned K20,000 out of K30,000 he got.

The matter was reported to Nchenachena Police Unit which led to his arrest. He was charged with house breaking and theft which contravenes Sections 359 and 278 respectively.

Appearing before Magistrate Cuthbert Phiri, Chirambo pleaded guilty to the charge.

In his submission, Prosecutor Sub Inspector Singini said that offences of this nature are rampant in the district. He therefore pleaded with court to give stiff sentence to the culprit to earn him a lesson and deter would-be offenders.

In his mitigation, Chirambo prayed for leniency saying that he is young and first offender.

Magistrate Phiri quashed the mitigation by the defendant saying he posed a threat to society. He concurred with state submissions and slapped Chirambo with 5 years and 18 months for both counts. Sentences will run concurrently.

Chirambo comes from Gwamba Village under Traditional Authority Mwahenga in Rumphi district.

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