In a suspected case of child abuse, an evil stepmom from Bulawayo was recently arrested after she allegedly tortured her two stepsons aged 11 and 13 with a hot electric iron as punishment.

The woman(name withheld) is alleged to have pressed the hot electric iron on their wrists after they were reportedly duped of an undisclosed amount of money and a laptop.

The incident which shocked residents happened on the 16th of  March 2021 at Ntabazinduna Flats in Mzilikazi suburb.

On the day in question, the woman aged 35 flew into a rage when she got home from work and discovered that her two stepsons had been duped of cash and a laptop. The woman allegedly assaulted them all over their bodies with open hands.

However, when she reportedly discovered that they were not crying after she assaulted them, in an effort to instill pain, she took it further by switching on the electric iron and burned their wrists with it.

As a result of their stepmother’s dastardly act, the boys were reportedly left with wounds on their wrists.

The matter was reported to the police leading to the woman’s arrest and her subsequent appearance in court.

She was charged with physical abuse as defined in Section 3 (1) (a) as read with Section 4 of the Domestic Violence Act, Chapter 5:16.

According to a local reports, for her alleged evil act, the woman was not asked to plead. She was remanded in custody after her bail application was dismissed.

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