Tanzania new government has arrested the country’s Ports Authority (TPA) Director General Deusdedit Kakoko, a  day after he was suspended by President Samia Suluhu.

The Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) confirmed Kakoko’s arrest.

The PCCB head Brigadier John Mbungo on Monday night said the former TPA top executive was arrested in Morogoro in what has been said to be an attempt to flee the country.

“It is true we have arrested him for questioning, he is now in the hands of PCCB,”  Brigadier Mbungo told said, adding that all due process will be followed during his detention.

On March 28 President Samia Suluhu suspended the Director General of Tanzania Ports Authority (TPA) Mr Deusdedit Kakoko after the institution was adversely mentioned in the report of the Controller and Auditor General (CAG).

President Hassan said she had seen the massive embezzlement that has been conducted at TPA and ordered the Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) to take up the task as a matter of urgency.

At one point, President Hassan said, the Prime Minister, Mr Kassim Majaliwa had formed a committee to probe what had been happening at the port and some action was taken.

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