By: Robert Kumwenda

The newly opened company, Classic Optical Eye Clinic has said it is geared to offer better services to Malawians who have eye problems.

Consultant optimomest for the company Frakash Takur said they have better facilities for the people with eye problems like visual satigue, short sight to name but a few.

“This is the first of it’s kind in Malawi. Since we opened on 10th of this month, we have been receiving overwhelming response from the people. People are coming in their large numbers and this is something positive and courageous to us,” he said.

Tarkur said before coming to Malawi they have worked in countries such as Mozabique, Kenya, Tanzania and other countries in southern Africa.

He adds that the company believes in offering quality and excellent services to people, adding that plans are underway to expand to other regions within the country and beyond.

Classic Optical Eye Clinic is located along Chipembere highway in Limbe and it offers services such as comprehensive eye test, prescription of eye glasses among others.

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