A 35-year-old Murewa man who reportedly killed his father and aunt committed the crime after his private parts had disappeared, his wife claims.

Maria Makoni, 41, claimed that Denford Nyamande blamed his now-deceased father Felix Taonana Chiodza for bewitching him.

Reports indicate that Nyamande came to her as she was herding cattle and never spent more than five minutes with her.

“Akakumura bhurukwa akati ‘ndichiri munhu here kana zvadai kupararaka uku’ achindiwonesa kuti haasisina zvombo zvake. Then he left.

She also said the whole village is now against me as she was aware of his intention to kill his father and aunt.

One of the villagers told a local publication H-Metro that Nyamande suggested to one of his aunt Angella Bhunu’s children that she must stay alone prompting them to think that he was planning to kill her.

Nyamande allegedly killed his father Felix Taona Chiodza (87) in Marumisa Village and his aunt Angela Bhunu (89) in Chidziva Village after accusing them of witchcraft.

An axe with blood stains was found near Chiodza’s body, while a hoe suspected to be a murder weapon was also found near Bhunu’s corpse.

The suspect who was on the run was fished out from his hideout at Mutsvairo Village, Chief Seke on March 29. He is in police custody.

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