The Mangochi First Grade Magistrate court has sentenced 28 year old Laybu Asimu to 14 years imprisonment with hard labour for defiling and impregnating his 14-year-old stepdaughter.
During court proceedings, Mangochi Police Prosecution Officer, Davie Banda told the court that the convict started persuading to sleep with the victim in May 2020.
Despite rejecting his advances three times the victim also reminded him that she is his daughter.
During one night in the same month, the convict sneaked into the victim’s room and found her fast asleep.
He undressed her, covered her mouth and threatened to stab her and her mother with the knife which he carried while defiling her.
Banda added that, this became a tendency and the girl was defiled six times.
In the month of February 2021, the victim’s mother was suspicious after she noticed changes on her appearance.
After being seriously quizzed she narrated the ordeal and also revealed to be pregnant for the stepfather.
The matter was reported at Chilipa Police Unit where she was issued a medical form and the results from Chilipa Health Centre confirmed about the pregnancy.
Appearing in court ,the accused pleaded not guilty to the charge and the state paraded five witnesses who proved the case beyond all reasonable doubt.
In mitigation, Asimu asked for court’s leniency saying that he is a breadwinner in his family but Prosecutor Banda prayed for a stiffer sentence saying such cases are on the increase in the district which put girls’ lives under threat.
Furthermore, as a parent, the convict was supposed to protect her and not the other way round.
Passing judgement First grade Magistrate Roy Kakutu found him guilty and handed him a 14 year jail sentence to deter other would be offenders.
Asimu hails from Songa 1 village Sub Traditional Authority Ntonda in Mangochi.
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