Youth and Society has asked government and Teachers Union of Malawi (TUM) to resolve their differences by Friday 9th April in order to uphold, respect and protect the right to education for all Malawians attending public schools as guaranteed in the constitution.

In an interview with Malawi News Agency (MANA) on Wednesday YAS Programmes Manager, Amos Simwera, said the stay away is affecting children who deserve the right to education and as such teachers should accept without any condition or duress that this is the right to fundamental principal underpinning the existence of both the Ministry of Education and the TUM.

“We are concerned with the situation that teachers have undertaken and we have few demands that TUM and government should meet so that children are back in class. The concern is the right to education,” he said.

He also added that government and teachers should agree and end the strike immediately and agree on a road map to continue their fight without affecting innocent children saying government together with TUM should be more transparent with their negotiations and truthful about their agreements.

“Their disagreements should never degenerate to the level of affecting the rights of education of all innocent Malawian children and if those demands are not met by Friday 9 April, YAS will seek legal redress,” he added.

YAS is expected to organize demonstrations on come Tuesday next week to mobilize citizens and all interested stakeholders in petitioning Government of Malawi on the same to end the strike in the best interest of the children whose right to education must be protected.

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