Hundreds of women demonstrated in Khartoum on Thursday demanding reforms to ensure equality, two years on since the mass protests that led to the fall of dictator Omar al-Bashir.

“No to laws discriminating against women,” one placard read, waved by women as they marched through the streets of the capital, an AFP correspondent reported.

“We call on the government… to have the courage to continue the civilisation of the state,” a coalition of women’s rights groups wrote in a letter addressed to the prime minister and justice minister.

It also demands the repeal of discriminatory laws and for Sudan to adopt “international charters and treaties on gender equality”.

Sudan has been undergoing a rocky transition since the army toppled Bashir in April 2019, following months of nationwide protests against his rule.

A transitional government was established four months after Bashir was deposed.

It is made up of a sovereign council, Sudan’s highest executive authority, and a cabinet, combining military and civilian figures.

Bashir himself is on trial over the Islamist-backed 1989 coup that brought him to power.

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