Hearing of a case involving former Minister of Information Henry Mussa and former Director of Information Gideon Munthali who are being accused of stealing computers and generators belonging to the ministry has resumed this morning before Chief Resident Magistrate Patrick Chirwa in Lilongwe.

The first of the three witnesses, Joseph Ngalawa, Head of Procurement and Supply Chain at Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) has told the court that the heavy duty generators were valued at K1.6 million each.

Ngalawa also says the 10 desktop computers that were delivered to the ministry are valued at K850,000 each.

He says Macra dispatched the equipment upon a request from the Information Ministry.

The second witness, Aurther Chipenda, Deputy Director in the Ministry of Information has told the court that all the two generators were dispatched to regional information offices in Southern and Northern regions respectively.

Only one generator that was supposed to be at Ministry’s headquarters in Lilongwe was not dispatched as Munthali informed Chipenda that it was in custody of Mussa.

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