The Mchinji Senior Resident Magistrate court has on Monday, April 12 release on bail a police officer who is suspected to have aided two suspects to escape from police custody.

The suspected officer Detective Sergeant Josephy Hebo was arrested on March 30 this year.
Hebo is accused of offering equipment used to housebreaking to two suspects at Mchinji Police Station to help them escape from custody.

The two criminals however managed to escape custody after damaging outer signals office security bars using a metal bar they obtain from the suspected officer.

The two were after escape re-arrested by Dedza  Criminal Investigation Department (CID) team and after dealing with them on their offenses were handed over to Mchinji Police on 29th March 2021 where after investigations they revealed that they were assisted to bolt out of custody by rank who supplied him with the breaking implement after paying rank K80,000 out of agreed K100,000.

The first escapee further indicates the rank is holding his passport which was to be returned after the remaining K20,000 is paid, the allegations that Hebo refutes.

Detective Sergeant Joseph Hebo hails from Chadzuka village Traditional Authority (T\A) Tengani in Nsanje district.

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