On Monday, Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s founder, announced that Twitter headquarters in Africa has been built in Ghana. Dorsey’s tweet announcing news of the hires on Monday said: “Twitter is now present on the continent.”

Ghana’s support for free speech and online freedoms made it the company’s choice for its first African location, Twitter said.

Ghana’s President Nana Akufo-Addo said in a tweet that the country would be the location of Twitter’s headquarters on the continent, although this information was not included in the company’s statement. He said:

The choice of Ghana as HQ for Twitter’s Africa operations is EXCELLENT news. This is the start of a beautiful partnership between Twitter and Ghana, which is critical for the development of Ghana’s hugely important tech sector.

This has generated lots of reactions from Twitter users in Nigeria; a surprise that Nigeria, thought bragging to be the Giant of Africa, has been sidelined in a huge technological development like this. Below are some reactions:


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