The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLMGNF) on Tuesday 20 April released a statement in reaction Derek Chauvin trial. The former cop was found guilty of George Floyd’s murder.

The BLM Foundation hopes that the guilty verdict “begins to show that white supremacy will not win, white supremacy has no place in democracy, especially one that is supposed to guarantee us our freedom to live”.

The foundation reiterated that while justice was served, a guilty verdict “still does not bring our loved ones back”. Moreover, a life was lost, and his daughter will have to “grow up without him”.

“In these types of trials, the criminal justice system has historically failed Black families, further permeating and validating white supremacy within institutions. Today, however, there is a small incremental step toward accountability.”

The Black Lives Matter foundation said it will “continue to call for abolition because we ultimately believe abolition will ensure the freedom of Black people”.

The foundation will also continue to promote Black liberation, and will work towards a future where “Black people across the diaspora thrive, experience joy, and are no longer defined by their struggles.”

“His family continues his legacy through the George Floyd Memorial  Foundation. […] We will continue to heal the past, re-imagine the present, and invest in the future of Black Lives.”

Taking to Twitter, the BLMGNF highlighted a harsh reality: Derek Chauvin’s court case dragged for 330 days. The foundation tweeted: “330 days to confirm what we already knew. 330 days of reliving the trauma of George’s murder, fearing that the system would let us down again, and mourning so many more that we lost. For a murder witnessed by millions”.

The foundation also said Chauvin’s verdict isn’t “proof that the system works, [but] proof of how broken it is”. In a perfect world, George Floyd’s family wouldn’t have to wait 330 days for justice to be served.

Black Lives Matter said “until we have a world where our communities can thrive free from fear, there will be no justice”.

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