Three men in Tanzania have been arrested in Morogoro municipality after they were found skinning a dog for ‘Kanyenya.’ locally known as ‘mishikaki’ in the country.

The trio were caught in the act in broad day light.

According to eye witnesses, the three men Omary Mohammed, Hamza Rajab and Mussa Juma were seen skinning an animal which was later identified to be a dog.

“It was only after we saw a dog’s head nearby that we realized that these men were skinning a dog something that was indeed shocking to many of us,” said Arnold Alexander.

The arrest of the three men has thrown the public in panic especially motorcycle riders who admit they have been regular customers at the Msamvu Bus Terminal in Morogoro where the culprits ply their trade.

“I have been buying Mishikaki from these men but little did I know that they were feeding us on dog’s meat all this while, something that is against our traditions because a dog to us is a friend who keeps us safe and not otherwise,” said Samson Jonas

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