South African –based Malawians formed a group and some are within Malawi  have embarked on Projects to assist Mzimba Hora Community with various developments.

The group is contained with thirty four members.

Friends of Hola head of marketing Ishmael Mphande said that so far they have already injected millions to purchase bags of cement, Timber, Iron sheets to fix toilets and bathrooms at three health centers.

‘’We are currently doing toilets and washrooms for Bulala Health Centre and we are also planning to do the same for Mzalangwe Health Centre and Endingeni Health Centre,’’ Mphande said.

The group which seems to be three months old but they have done a lot of projects the group supplied 22 bags of cement to Mseza Junior Primary School.

Mphande also cited that they have earmarked several other community projects with Hola which require to be assisted like working on teachers and health workers houses.

However, Mphande said that the group is non-political comprising of people from Mzimba Hola who have Passion to assist in our area on projects which communities started and are failing to finish.

The group is said to have contributed close to a million kwacha and since they have started these projects they have put their hands together to finish what they have started.






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