Donald Trump has finally launched his new communications platform to reengage with his loyal online followers.

After the former US President was booted from nearly all social media platforms, he set about trying to build a new way to disseminate his thoughts and beliefs.

He’s since launched From The Desk of Donald J. Trump, which is kind of like a blog that lets the 74-year-old say whatever he wants.

But the platform has the ability to let subscribers share his posts on the likes of Twitter and Facebook, allowing him to get around his social media bans.

The platform includes all the statements Trump has issued since he left office on January 20 and also includes a function that lets him communicate via video.

Users won’t be able to comment or react to the former President’s posts on his blog, but they will be able to help him spread his message.

In a promotional video for the new platform, Trump claims his ‘From the Desk’ will be a ‘beacon of freedom’ during a time of ‘lies and silence’.

Trump spokesman Jason Miller said on Twitter: “President Trump’s website is a great resource to find his latest statements and highlights from his first term in office, but this is not a new social media platform.

“We’ll have additional information coming on that front in the very near future.”

It’s unclear whether Twitter or Facebook will allow users to share the blog posts.

It comes as Facebook’s Oversight Board is expected to announce this week whether it will keep Trump off Facebook and Instagram.

He was kicked off after the January 6 Capitol building insurrection because they were worried he would keep inciting his followers to commit violence.

Credit: PA
Credit: PA

But just when you thought you had heard the last of Donald J. Trump, he’s hinted he will be making a comeback at the next US election.

Speaking to Candace Owens’ talk show, Trump said in response to whether he’d be running in 2024: “The answer is I’m absolutely enthused. I look forward to doing an announcement at the right time.

“As you know, it’s very early. But I think people are going to be very, very happy when I make a certain announcement.

“You know for campaign finance reasons, you really can’t do it too early because it becomes a whole different thing.

“Otherwise I think I’d give you an answer that you’d be very happy with. So we’re looking at that very, very seriously. All I’d say is: stay tuned.”

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