Seed manufacturing company, Seed Co has called on farmers in the country to adopt modern seeds and farming techniques to increase yields.

Seed-co agronomist James Mtiyesa said this during a field demonstration day at Linthipe in Dedza District where the company showcased seed varieties.

Mtiyesa said field demonstrations give a chance to farmers to witness how different seed varieties work in different weather patterns.

He further said that it was the wish of the company to see farmers especially those from rural areas benefitting from their toil.

‘’It is high time farmers started relying on modern seed varieties if they are to benefit from their produce  We will continue supplying them with hybrid seeds that do well in their different communities,’’ Mtiyesa said.

Gift Andrea one of the farmers said the demonstration gave them a chance to appreciate and see which varieties farmers can choose in their localities.

‘’Sometimes we just plant seed without considering the weather pattern and we get discouraged when the maize harvest fails but now we have the knowledge that will help us do well,’’ Andrea said.

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