Ntcheu District Council has arranged modelling sessions in 68 primary schools in the district to reduce the rate of dropouts, especially among girls, and increase their pass rate to different secondary schools.

Speaking on Friday during a modelling session at Hau Primary School in the district, Director of Education, Youth and Sports for the Council, Lucia Chidalengwa, said girls from local areas lack role models who can stand as a source of inspiration for them to work hard at school.

“Many girls in rural areas are dropping out of school because they are not exposed to role models hence they have a narrow view about education. That is why we have decided to parade role models in various primary schools to encourage girls to take education seriously,” she said.

Headteacher for Hau Primary School, Innocent Kachitsamba, said the coming of role models would encourage girls to remain in school.

“Hau Primary School is based in the village hence the only role models that our students know are their teachers. The coming of other role models has exposed the students, especially girls, to other professions and we hope this activity will lead to decrease in dropout rate among girls,” he said.

One of the standard 8 students, Tiyanjane Botomani, said the role models had enlightened her on the benefits of getting educated.


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