Lilongwe Magistrate Court has fined a 38 year old woman Irene Chisulo Majiga for publication of fake news.

Deputy Publicist for Kawale Police Mabvuto Phiri reports that the Lilongwe Magistrate Court, heard that on March 15, 2021 the accused published false voice note about a certain suspect who is on remand answering defilement charges.

State Prosecutor, Humphreys Makhariha told the court that in her voice note that went viral on social media, the woman claimed that the defiler had been released dubiously.

The Cybercrime unit investigated the matter and arrested Majiga.

Appearing before court, Majiga pleaded guilty to the charge levelled against her, which is a contravention of Section 60 (1) of the Penal code.

In his submission, Makhaliha asked the court to impose a stiff penalty on Majiga, arguing the tendency of sharing false news on social media is increasing and it creating public unrest.

Passing the sentence, Chief Resident Magistrate Patrick Chirwa concurred with the state and ordered Majiga to pay the fine or in default, serve a 1 month jail term with hard labour.

According to Phiri, the suspect has paid the fine.

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