Parliament has adopted the Public Appointments Committee report on the just confirmed ACB Director Martha Chizuma.

Last week, Leader of House Richard Chimwendo Banda directed the committee to provide a report in the house on why the committee rejected Chizuma.

Presenting the report, Joyce Chitsulo Chairperson of the committee told the house that the committee initially used the scoring method and Chizuma failed the interview after she got low score.

She says, the members had a form where they were scoring the candidate and each member had his/her reasons they scored her that way.

She has told the house that Chizuma’s rejection came from the members score.

However, Chitsulo has told the house that after the motion by Dowa East MP Sam Kawale, Chizuma was confirmed by the Committee using the voice voting method.

Chitsulo then put the motion that the report be noted, and the house went on to note and adopted the report.

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