AI can now make English-speaking actors perform in various languages!

A London-based company called Flawless AI uses artificial intelligence technology to allow actors to play in every language. We can soon kiss subtitled goodbye!

As per the innovative organization, “The art is in the science.” Earlier in May, they released some remarkable demonstrations of their brand new technology, as UNILAD notes. The exclusive demos show scenes from the iconic movies Forrest Gump and A Few Good Men, where the characters speak in different languages thanks to AI automation.

To create this futuristic technology, Flawless AI collaborated with The Max Planck Institute for Informatics and other eminent scientists.


With artificial intelligence known as TrueSync, the team makes a “step-change in filmmaking.”

True Sync is said to be the “first AI offering from [Flawless AI’s] neural network film lab.”

The AI innovation allows filmmakers to remove subtitles or out-of-sync voice-overs from their projects. Instead, they can now “visually translate foreign language film into the native language of any audience.”


Flawless AI explains:

“It will give creators back control and enable stories to be told exactly as they were intended. New opportunities, untapped markets, and exciting revenue streams are all ready to be explored.”

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