Senior Resident Magistrate Court in Mzuzu on Friday convicted a 32 years old Ananiya Mwambinga to 21 years imprisonment with hard labour for defiling his three year old daughter.

Police prosecutor Christopher Nyirongo told the court that the victim met her fate when her mother left her in the custody of her husband on the night of 4th January 2021 at Chibavi, Mzuzu, when she escorted a patient to hospital.

The following day, mother to the victim noted that her daughter had difficulties in walking and urinating, she also observed bruises around her private parts this prompted her to report to police who later apprehended Mwambinga.

Mwambinga pleaded not guilty to the charge and this prompted the state to parades five witnesses who testified against him.

He was charged with the offence of incest contrary to section 157(1) of the panel code which attracts a maximum sentence of life imprisonment with hard labour.

In mitigation Mwambinga through his legal aid lawyer Chrisy Kolezi asked for leniency saying apart from being remorseful he is first offender and breadwinner to the victim.

Prosecutor Nyirongo asked the court to punish the convict with a stiffer sentence arguing the convict infringed the moral values of Malawian society and traumatized the victim.

He asked the court to give a stiffer sentence to deter would be offenders from committing a similar offence.

Senior Resident Magistrate Godfrey Nyirenda concurred with the state on the gravity of the offence and sentenced Mwambinga to 21 years imprisonment with hard labour.

Mwambinga hails from Mwagulukulu Village, Traditional Authority (TA) Mwakawoko in Karonga District.

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