Police in Lundazi have apprehended a suspected mental patient for beheading a 67 year old man.

Eastern Province police commissioner Geza Lungu stated that Patson Banda was allegedly murdered by Lilani Mwale of Offaniel village in senior Chief Mwase’s area who is believed to be a mental patient.

Mr Lungu stated that police received a report from Chaipa Banda, aged 28, that his father was murdered by Mwale around 18:30 hours on May 21, 2021.

“Police visited the scene and upon inspection of the deceased’s body, found that a head was completely cut off from the body which had multiple cuts. However, the deceased body is laying in Mwase clinic mortuary awaiting postmortem. Police launched a manhunt and arrested the suspect and is in police custody awaiting court appearance,” he stated.

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