ZIMBABWE  – A MALE teacher at Chiroti Secondary School in Zimbabwe was last Friday fined $15 000 by a Chinhoyi magistrate for sending s_xually offensive text messages to his married boss.

Wilson Ganda (49), was slapped with the $15 000 to be paid by end of May or risk spending 45 days in prison when he pleaded guilty before magistrate Tapiwa Banda for violating Section 88 of the Posts and Telecommunications Act (Chapter 12:05) which pertains to “use of abusive language”.

Lucy Luoma Dzveta (32), the complainant, is employed by the Ministry of Education as a human resources manager stationed at Seven Heroes Complex in Chinhoyi.

Prosecuting, Odra Chitoro, told the court that Ganda started sending love messages to Dzveta in 2015 but was turned him down.

He kept on sending the messages despite several warnings from the Education Ministry superiors and Dzveta’s husband.

The complainant made a police report at Chemagamba Police Station on 27 April after the accused had sent another message in which he expressed his lustful wish to have s_x with her.

Credit: The Herald

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