A husband who was trying to protect his marriage is now fighting for his life after he was brutally attacked and axed by his wife’s alleged lover for his troubles.

42-year-old Tawanda Denhere heard through the grapevine that his wife was having an extramarital affair with Mthokozisi Moyo. Denhere decided to confront Moyo over the issue.

Reports Indicates that Denhere confronted Moyo at the Musilahobe Business Centre last Monday afternoon. Unfortunately, the conversation did not go well and the situation quickly escalated. This resulted in the alleged adulterous lover and a colleague attacking the hapless husband.

The incident was confirmed by Midlands provincial police spokesperson Inspector Emmanuel Mahoko who told the publication,

“It is alleged that Moyo and Mabude Ncube of Village Nduku, Chief Malisa Silobela were at Musilahobe Business Centre when they were approached by Denhere who accused Moyo of having an extramarital affair with his wife.

“Moyo then turned violent and struck Denhere on the forehead with an axe. Moyo’s friend, Mabude Ncube, also joined in and struck Denhere with bricks all over the body before they fled.”

Denhere was rushed to Kwekwe General Hospital where he is reported to be in critical condition.

The police have since launched a manhunt for Moyo and Ncube. The police also urged members of the public to seek peaceful ways of conflict resolution.

“Members of the public are discouraged from solving disputes using violence. People should always seek third parties in solving disputes like village elders, community leaders or the police,” said Inspector Mahoko.

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