Zambian man of Kitwe abandoned his wife for five years after she stopped shaving his private parts, Ganerton Local Court has heard.

Joseph Kasito, 40, told the court that he had to go and look for another woman who could execute her duties without being forced.

Kasito was testifying in a matter his wife, Agnes Kandela, sued him for divorce on grounds that they have been on separation for about five years.They got married in 2003 and they have four children together.Kasito told the court that all was well when they got married, but problems between them started in 2016 after his wife started refusing to shave his pubic hair.

He did not know why his wife used to shun cutting his pubic hair, prompting him to look for another woman.“How can my own wife refuse to shave my private parts? This worried me and it made me to look for another woman who would do it willingly,” Kasito said.

He also accused his wife of mistreating the two children he has with another woman before he married her.Kasito accused his wife of starving her step-children despite him providing for the whole family.He asked the court to dissolve the marriage because the efforts he made to have his wife counselled about her behaviour never changed anything.

But Kandela said earlier that her husband and his family were never proud of her.

She said Kasito once relocated to Mufulira and left her and the children at his mother’s place who did not like her.

Kandela alleged that her in-laws used to tell her that she was not her husband’s class because she was uneducated.

The court heard that Kandela has been on separation with Kasito for five years and that the latter has since married another woman.

Kandela asked the court to grant her divorce so that she can also move on with her life.

Ganerton senior presiding magistrate Mutono Banda granted the couple divorce after concluding that the two no longer loved each other.

Magistrate Banda ordered Kasito to compensate his wife with K15,000 in K200 monthly installments and K300 for child maintenance

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